Категория Инструменты
Image scanner @braindevs - other projects ↩ ↪ @dmmebot - feedback
Generate your own personal Telegram bot to monitor your webcam on the go.
Bot to remove obscene words from chat. Support: @tgdev_en and @tgdev_ru.
ست وبهوک WebHook Set
♦️ Admin : ♨️ @AmIRAdminBot ♦️ Channel : ♨️ @BotSorce
Help Limitati Bot
🇬🇧🇮🇹Chat without using your private chat! Start it and enjoy a whole set of opportunities for your channel and more
AT | Automated Trading
Contact @ak4zh for support
Subtitle Fixer
درست كردن زير نويس هاي خراب ، با ارسال فايل srt یا zip 📲 دیگر بات ها: @Siyanews
Shop Bot
Try out the new Telegram Payments without actually paying anything.
HJ 頻道留言系統
(Archived) A fork of https://github.com/JogleLew/channel-helper-bot , with bug fixes and translates to zh-hant
🔱Cloud Bot🔱
By cyon
Proxy Grabber | پراکسی گرابر | پروکسی گرابر
This robot has been created by programmer @aliilapro from 🇮🇷
Google Search
Author: Igor C. de Paula <[email protected]> / http://github.com/IgorDePaula
Bacabal - MA
Bot para ajudar na Administração do grupo da cidade de Bacabal - MA
Upload Bot
This bot allows you to upload files of up to 1.5GB to telegram from a link. created by @YoilyL
I Heart English
I Heart English is an on-demand bot which sends helpful info through its admin 😅
ربات ترجمه متن
سریع ترین مترجم متون به 104 زبان مختلف Fastest translator of texts into 104 different languages
Status monitor for URLs. ( This bot is now deprecated)
Steal Detector
Follow our news on the channel: https://t.me/StealDetectorNEWS
📌 Reploid 🕹
Olá, sou ReploidBot. Um robô criado para administrar, controlar e banir em grupos no Telegram. Me adicione como Admin.
Safe in Breastfeeding
A tool for doctors and professionals on breastfeeding to find information about secure drugs.